Pod Coffee Machines
Coffee Pod Machine FAQs
We offer some of the worlds leading coffee pod machines, including either the OPAL and Morning Coffee machine.
All of the coffee pod machines we offer are compatible with our range of speciality coffee pods. Our entire range is Nespresso compatible (excluding Vertuo sizes)
Generally speaking, coffee pod machines use no more electricity than your standard kitchen kettle. Both the OPAL and Morning Coffee Machine are 220V.
When comparing pods with typical cafe drinks, the savings you can make are considerable. You can expect to pay between £3-£4 for a milk or black drink in your local café whereas the cost for a high quality speciality coffee pod is usually between 50-60p per pod.
Yes absolutely. Not only are the speciality coffee pods we offer made from a home compostable material with strong sustainability credentials, with the modern technologies in machines, you can get a delicious brew each time.
First setup a coffee pod subscription. Then once the product has arrived simply turn on your machine, let it warm up for 2 mins. Place the coffee pod in and choose your brew setting. Wait for the coffee to brew and add milk or alternatives to taste and enjoy.
Once finished dispose of your compostable coffee pods appropriately. Learn how to make compost at home.
We would advise regularly cleaning of your machine after each use, with a deeper clean at least once a month.